Best tools for social media marketing

Social Media Marketing Tools

“Social Media”, whenever this word is heard by anyone, the fastest thing that comes to our mind is Facebook, Instagram or maybe Twitter. We use these sites or applications daily in our day to day life. People spend most of the time swiping for new feeds or watching their friend’s story. Youths with 1.6 billion population of the world, spend their leisure time on social media and networking sites. Can a company earn millions using the same social media to boost their sales and increase their growth rate? The answer is yes, this can be very beneficial. But which applications can help you conquer the social media marketing world? Don’t worry; I am going to make you all familiar with some of those apps that can change how you can boost your sales using social media marketing.


 Strategies for Outshining Your Competition Online:

  1. Quuu

As we all know that not everyone has the same view about a topic, engaging your audience in content can be a difficult task. They will only hear what they want to, not what you are showing them. So, Quuu helps you overcome this problem. Being content written by marketers and influencers, then reviewed by a team of editors, you can filter your wants and Quuu creates an automated queue of contents ready to be posted on your social media handle.

  1. Animoto

Each one of you would prefer watching a video rather than reading about that thing. What if you can add text overlays through the video? Animoto can surely help you do that by having a large collection of templates and photos together with a collection of stock music, this app can surely help you make a video that can help you engage your audience. This tool can help you capture a large audience in a short duration. 

  1. Canva

In the era of pictures, visual content is important to engage your audience. But if you are not skilled enough to create engaging content, then Canva can surely help you. It is a free browser-based design tool that is created especially for non-designers who want to make quality and attractive images for their social media handles. These free and premium images can surely boost your blog’s development as tweets with images receive more retweets.

  1. Brand24 

If you want to keep your ear to the ground and track your brand mentions, Brand24 can help you do that. It simply uses a dashboard to see every person or customer who mentions your brand name on social media. As many people are turning towards social media, turning your focus on social media can help you increase high-quality services to the consumer and get a fast response.

  1. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is a great tool that can help you track which topic has become the talk of the town. You can use certain keywords to discover the type of content the audience loves and want to know about. Writing relevant content then some influencers can help you to promote and spread your content across social media as well. As guessing the right topic for the audience is difficult, Buzzsumo can help you fix this problem.

Effective marketing techniques:

As the influence of social media has increased drastically, the marketer can use this platform to boost their sales and have good control over their profits. The more the audience engages in your services, the more the chances of earning higher revenue increases.

Stay tuned for my next post.

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