The Best Web-Hosting for Word press

The Best Web Hosting for Wordpress

The phrase “Web Hosting” refers to a service that can help an individual, firm or an organization to have an online presence by means of posting a website or a webpage on the internet. It means to maintain the website so that people around the internet would be able to see it just from a single click. In order to help the individuals enjoy these services; there are many companies that are known as Web hosting service provider or simply a web host. They provide the users with all the technologies and services that will help their website to have an online presence differing from small webpage to a complex website.

There are a number of companies that provide web-hosting services. So the question here is how to choose the most reasonable hosting provider. Some points to consider are as follows:

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  1. Service time: The first and foremost thing to be concerned prior to choosing a web-hosting service provider is to have the knowledge of the service time, also known as “Uptime”.  Choosing a service provider with 99.9% service time so that there is no problem for the users to check your webpage.
  1. Web-hosting plans: choosing the best plan for your web page is one of the most difficult tasks. The plan should be worth the price charged. Also knowing the number of websites you will be able to host and the disk space is necessary.
  1. Customer support services: just having a great plan and speed isn’t enough. There are certain chances that there occurs some technical problem with the server, which requires a professional opinion. Having 24/7 live chat support is the thing you would ask for.

So here are some of the web-hosting service providers:

 Effective marketing techniques-

  1. Hostgator

This company is considered as one of the oldest and biggest web hosting service providers. With an average uptime speed of 99.98% over the last 2 years, the basic plan includes unlimited storage, free domain for the first year, bandwidth and a free SSL certificate. The customer support is up 24/7 with live chat instantly replying to all the queries within a short span of time. Other key information includes:

  1. Speed: 1,191ms (Average between February, 2018 to January,2020)
  2. Customer support: 24/7 live chat support
  3. Uptime: 99.98% (Average between February, 2018 to January,2020)
  4. Features includes: Unlimited storage and bandwidth, free domain for 1st year, single email account
  5. Site Transfer: Single free site transfer
  6. Hosting plans: WordPress, Cloud, VPS , Shared and Dedicated Servers
  7. Price: Starting @ $2.75/mo with renewal @ $6.95/mo.

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