Importance of Influencer Marketing

Importance of Influencer Marketing

Marketing has been defined again and again with the passage of time. Different techniques and terminologies have been made or discovered according to the needs of the marketers. The increasing use of the internet and technologies has helped the marketers to enlarge their group of activity to a larger and broader market. In this process, social media has played an important role. But just posting content in the media is enough to take a brand or product to the top of the market?

Many of you have heard about Influencers. These are the people, group or community of people who have the potential to influence a large number of people. These can be bloggers who blog about travel, food or fashion, or the poets having social media followers in thousands and millions. Or they can be simply a YouTuber, whose contents are viewed and liked by hundreds of people.

SEO Ranking Factors-

 You may have often seen celebrities marketing a product. The companies do this because; the celebs have a huge and real audience that will follow them. Also the words of a celebrity are considered as real and people believe in them. The goods or the products that the celebrities use get recognition in the market and are duly respected as well; considering the fact that they won’t use fake or under-quality products.

But influential marketing is different from celebrity marketing because the influencers may not have such a huge audience similar to celebrities. But the companies need to understand the fact that the growth of a product through influential marketing can’t be done overnight. The companies must learn to give time to the influencers and make a comfortable environment for their followers to use the product. 

More than money or payments, the influencers are the ones who want more recognition in the market so as to help them for future projects. As every single follower they have; are the result of quality content and great hard work, the idea of quick payments won’t look impressive to them. Also the influencer needs to understand the needs and aspirations of his followers who can get connected and be loyal towards the product by means of engaging content.

Influential Marketing can be of huge advantages for businesses. The main reason is that the influencers are the customers who have gained information and knowledge about some topics that the people want to know about. Also companies nowadays provide their influencers with unique promo-codes that can be used by their followers to avail special discounts. This is also helpful to know the traffic and customers generated from the influencer marketing.

Effective marketing techniques-

Taking the consumer’s point of view, according to a survey, about 70% of teenage YouTube subscribers say that they relate to YouTube creators more than traditional celebrities. Also 4 out of 10 millennial subscribers say that their favorite creator understands them better than their friends and families. Not only this, 90% of consumers trust peer recommendation but only 33% trust traditional ads. 88% of consumers trust online reviews by strangers as much as they would than a recommendation from a friend. Now, talking about the service providers, more than 94% marketers find Influential marketing effective. They believe that Influential Marketing can generate 11 times ROI of traditional advertising.   

So with the changing environment, taking a step forward for influential marketing can benefit you.

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